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· 11 min read
Tamal Anwar Chowdhury

Today I am going to help you pick the correct version of Node JS to use. When you are just getting started and about to download Node JS, you will be presented with 2 confusing versions to choose from. It’s not a big of a deal but for public service here’s my simple answer:


Which Node JS version to use? 20 LTS. You should always use even-numbered versions marked LTS that says “Recommended for Most Users” on the download page. An even number Node version is 16.x.x LTS, 18.x.x LTS, 20.x.x LTS and so on that you should use when learning or deploying your project to a production environment.

· 7 min read
Tamal Anwar Chowdhury

Whenever you go out and try to learn how to configure a web server with Node JS, you will see that the first thing the instructor does is to install Express. Just like you, I always wondered why most people use Express JS and is there another way to build a server without it?

Why Express JS is used in Node JS? Express JS is a minimal framework for building web applications in Node JS. It makes the process of creating a server simple with built-in methods that’s why Express JS is widely used and is the de facto framework for Node.

· 14 min read
Tamal Anwar Chowdhury

You are just getting started with web development and wondering how much time it takes to learn Node JS to be able to build something, like a social network, a chat application, or a SaaS to put it out there. Or maybe you are just wondering what are the skills you will need to become job-ready within a few months time. Well, my friend, you are in luck because today I am going to tell you exactly how long it takes to become a full-stack developer using Node JS sharing my own learning experience.

How much time does it take to learn Node JS? It takes around 3 months to fully learn Node JS and be able to build a functional full-stack application. If you already know some other programming, you can get the basics down within a few week’s time.

· 9 min read
Tamal Anwar Chowdhury

Node is often compared with other backend languages such as PHP and Python, but is it actually a language? Today I am going to answer that question once and for all.


Is Node JS a programming language? Node JS is not a programming language, it uses JavaScript language as the main programming interface. Node is a desktop application (or runtime environment) that runs JavaScript files. It mainly reads and writes files on a computer/server and does networking.

· 14 min read
Tamal Anwar Chowdhury

Today I am going to tell you what programming language you should learn if you want to build a social networking site like Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, or Instagram.

So what is a good language for building a social network? JavaScript. Out of all the languages and tools, JavaScript helped me quickly build a social networking site using Node JS. As a beginner I found Node JS to have the shortest learning curve when it comes to building a full-stack application such as Twitter and Reddit.

· 5 min read
Tamal Anwar Chowdhury

I was looking into the periodic table and trying to memorize all the elements in order. One afternoon I thought, hey can I make the periodic table with my current CSS skills?

The periodic table is a collection of elements arranged in an oddly structured way. It has already been built in the past, but the question is, can I do it myself without looking?

· 3 min read
Tamal Anwar Chowdhury

I started learning how to work with pure Node webserver (without Express or any other packages) The best way to solidify the learning is to build something with the knowledge. However, with the limited scope of the lesson, I couldn’t find a project to build.

I’m playing Fruit Ninja these days. After every round, it shows interesting fruit facts. I got an idea to make an API that will display random fruit facts in JSON format. This way I can put my knowledge to use while building something fun.

· 3 min read
Tamal Anwar Chowdhury

Sharing your password can put you in a lot of anxiety when working with a developer from sites like Fiverr and Upwork. Sharing passwords with a technical person is a common practice when it comes to outsourcing. But if done incorrectly, your passwords can be exposed to a third party or a hacker.

To prevent this, I am going to outline some of the best practices when it comes to sharing passwords with your designer/developer. Especially when you are hiring them on a marketplace such as Fiverr or Upwork.

· 2 min read
Tamal Anwar Chowdhury

A closure happens when one function is inside another function, and the inner function wants to access a variable which belongs to the outer function.

In JavaScript every function creates its own scope. We may not realize it just by looking at the code, it will help if we visualize it like this:
